Innovative drone simulator

About our company

XRed group is a technology education company. We combine proven approaches, new methodological developments and modern digital tools for professional development of a person.

With the help of Unreal Engine, our developers create mixed reality interfaces for business management and productivity improvement.

We specialize in customized solutions for a wide range of leading virtual reality headsets and platforms, including HTC Vive, Oculus quest, Oculus go, and more.
XRed group – resident of the Dubna Special Economic Zone
Financial support in the development of our innovative technologies using the results of our own scientific, technical and technological research is provided by the Fund for the Promotion of Small Forms of Enterprises in the Scientific and Technical Field.
Our Projects
VR simulator for training
Surgery VR
Innovative VR platform
Game development for mobile devices
Contact us
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Juridical information
Full name
Limited Liability Company "X Red Group"
Abbreviated name of OOO "X Red Group"
ИНН 5010056989 КПП 501001001
ОГРН 1195081099036
ОКПО 42816170
ОКТМО 46718000001
ОКАТО 46418000000
Код ОКВЭД (Основной вид деятельности)
62.01 Разработка программного обеспечения